Amun-Ra Mummy | Cursed Mummy | Amen-Ra Curse | Titanic

Amen-Ra Mummy, (also called by many as the 'unlucky mummy')


There are many things in the world that are believed to be cursed and will bring misfortunes and disasters for those who keep them. Hope diamond is an example of one such item that is believed to be cursed by many as it has a long history of bringing misfortunes and death to its occupants. The mummy that you see in the above picture is one such thing that is believed to be cursed and many call it the 'unlucky mummy'. 

The Tale of the 'Unlucky Mummy'.

The haunting story of this 3500-year-old mummy starts in the late 19th century when it was rediscovered and was put on sale and then this mummy was bought by 4 young Englishmen and the mummy was stored temporarily in one of the young Englishmen. But just after spending some time in that room with that mummy he got out and walked away into the desert, never to be seen again.

After that, another one got shot in his hands and the wounds were so severe that he had to cut his hands.

Then the remaining two Englishmen came back to England with that mummy but also had misfortunes waiting for them. The third man got and lost all his savings and the fourth one had himself severely ill and he also lost his job. Both of them came into the streets.

Then the mummy was purchased by a rich London businessman and soon his house got on fire and got damaged but he and his family escaped from that disaster. But not so long after that incident, another accident took place with them in which he and his family got severely injured. He and his family were terrified by the incident and he also started to believe that this mummy is cursed and he then donated this mummy to a British museum.

While the mummy had been transported to the museum the vehicle lost its control and a person got hit in which he got severely injured.

At last, the mummy came into the museum but the misfortunes didn't stop yet. There were reports of hearing screams and crying from inside the mummy during the nighttime and the staff of the museum also started to get scared of that mummy.

After several discussions and debates, the authorities of the museum decided to keep that mummy in the basement of that museum. The next day, the corpse of the supervisor was found in his office and all that staff who touched this mummy got severely ill.

After this incident, the mummy was put to sale in order to escape from its wrath. But whoever purchases that mummy al its occupants sell that shortly in order to escape from the wrath of that mummy.

Then one day, an American merchant paid a huge amount and bought this mummy and he wanted to bring that mummy to America via a ship and the name of the ship in which this mummy was in was RMS Titanic.

RMS Titanic

Then as we all know, the Titanic never reached America and sunk in the Atlantic in its first journey. That's the reason why many believe that the wrath of this mummy is the cause of the Titanic disaster.

The mummy was then again brought back to England via a rescue boat and to this day the mummy is still at the British Museum.
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