El Silbon - The Whistling Man


El Silbon, by Maria Auxiliadora Ramirez Prato, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

El Silbon (The Whistler) is a Venezuelan urban legend that originated in the 19th century. According to the legend, the ghost of a boy roams in the jungles of Venezuela and kills people who come to the deep forest. People who claim to see him said that he wore a big hat and he is very tall and skinny with a deformed face and carries a bag and it is said that the bag contains the bones of the people who became his victim. That spirit got its name as El Silbon (The Whistler) because it said that the ghost of this spirit whistles while he roams around the jungle and if somebody hears the sound of his whistle coming from nearby it means that the ghost is far away from that person and he has time to escape but if the whistling sound is heard from far away then it means that the ghost is near that person.

El Silbon, by Neotours, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Stories Regarding El Silbon 

There are mainly two stories regarding El Silbon.

Story 1:

According to the First and most famous story about El Silbon. Long ago there was a boy who lived in a farmhouse near the jungle with his father, mother, and grandfather. The parents did whatever the boy wanted and they always fulfill his dreams, due to this the boy became very spoiled, and even if it took some time for his wants to be fulfilled the boy became aggressive. His grandfather wasn't happy with all of this. The boy loved to eat the meat of the deer hunted by his father and one day he wished to eat the deer's meat and he asked his father to hunt a deer for him. His father as usual to fulfill his son's wish went to the jungle to hunt deer but even after many hours his father didn't return back and when his patience ended he went to the jungle in search of his father and after searching for a while he found his father. He became very happy seeing his father but his happiness didn't last long and when he saw his father empty-handed he grew vigorous and he attacked his father with his hunting knife and his father died after that he tore apart his father's corpse and took meat from it and he came back home and asked his mother to cook this meat and when she saw the meat she realized that this is human meat she got scared when she realized this and asked her son whose meat is this and that boy answered that this is the meat of the father who couldn't bring a deer's meat for me. She fell unconscious after hearing this and his grandfather grew angry and he dragged that boy from house to deep forest and tied him up on a tree and beat him using a whip after that the boy was badly bitten by the grandfather's dog and after the boy was bitten the grandfather wore him the bag that contained the flesh of his father and cursed him that his spirit will always roam in these jungles and left him to die there. After some days the boy died due to hunger thirst and severe injuries and now his spirit roams around the jungle and takes revenge on people for his death.

Story 2:

As per the second story, there was a boy who lived in a farmhouse with his mother, father, and grandfather. The boy loved his mother very much. His father was very alcoholic and always fights and tortured him and his mother. One day his father killed his mother during a fight and the boy became very sad and angry and he killed his father in anger and after that, his grandfather dragged that boy from house to deep forest and tied him up on a tree and beat him using a whip after that the boy was badly bitten by the grandfather's dog and after the boy was bitten the grandfather wore him the bag that contained the flesh of his father and cursed him that his spirit will always roam in these jungles and left him to die there. After some days the boy died due to hunger thirst and severe injuries and now his spirit roams around the jungle and takes revenge on people for his death.

El Silbon is one of the most famous Urban Legend in South America, it is said that this ghost only attacks men and don't attack women and children. It is said that this spirit afraid dogs and many people who believe in this urban legend tame dogs in order to stay safe from this ghost. Even in the modern age, there are many people in Venezuela who belives and fear El Silbon.

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