The Legend of Jersey Devil | Leeds Devil | Legendary Creature

"Miniature Creation of the Jersey Devil" by "Dystopiamatt" licensed under "CC BY-SA 4.0"


Jersy Devil, also known as the Leeds Devil is a legendary creature that is believed to inhabit the area of Pine Barrens in Southern New Jersey, United States.

Pine Barrens Map

"Pine Barrens" by "Famartin" licensed under (CC BY 3.0)

Basto Lake, Pine Barrens

It is said that Jersey Devil is very a scary-looking creature. Its face is believed to look like a mixture of a horse and a goat that has a snake-like long tail and big broad wings that look like the wings of a bat and this creature also has red glowy eyes that glow in dark.

It is said that Jersey Devil mainly targets children and pet animals

Unlike some other legends regarding this creature wasn't an outcome of a scientific experiment and was not mentioned in any ancient folklore. There is a story regarding the origin of this creature.

Origin of Jersey Devil

The origin story of this creature dates back to the 18th century. It is said that back in the 18th century or more specifically in the year 1735 a woman named Jane Leeds, also known as "Mother Leeds" was a resident of the pine barrens.

Jane Leeds had twelve children and was fed up with the painful process of delivery. When should realised that she was pregnant again she got furious and while having delivery of her 13th child she was having extreme pain and she cursed the baby in the frustration of the pain at the time of delivery calling him "Devil's Child".

After some time the baby was born. At first, the baby looked like a normal human but as time passes by the shape of that child was transforming and eventually became a monster with wings and one day it flew away and after this, that monstrous child became known as the Leeds Devil which is now known as the Jersey Devil.

Sightings of Jersey Devil 

In the following years, there are more than 2000 sightings reported and in most cases, this creature was spotted flying over the Pine Barrens of New Jersey.

Even the elder brother of Napoleon Bonaparte Claimed to see Jersey Devil while hunting on his Bordentown Estate.

In 1909 the pet animals of the people living in the settlements near Pine Barrens started vanishing and the people also saw big footprints too and when the police tried to investigate it further their dogs got scared and refused to follow those footprints.

In 1960 many people claimed to hear the screams of Jersey Devil and recently in 2015 a man claimed that he saw jersey devil.

Due to all of this Jersey Devil is one of the most famous legends in America.


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